- Versions
- 1.7
- 1.8
- 1.9
- 1.10
- 1.11
- 1.12
- 1.13
- 1.14
- 1.15
- 1.16
- 1.17
- 1.18
- 1.19
- 1.20
- 1.20.6
- 1.21
Thanks for 400+ Purchase
BeastToken is a economy plugin that allows you to purchase items with tokens,it supports MySql !
- Add multiple Shops
- Permissions for every Shop so u can make Vip Shops
- Supports 1.8 - 1.18+ MC versions
- Supports removing and adding tokens from player which are offline.
- MySql Support
- BungeeCord Server Support
- TokenEnchant Support
- Mobs token drop you can enable this in the config
- Mob chance for dropping a token
- MythicMobs token drops
- Block token drop you can enable this in the config
- Block chance for dropping a token
- Token multiplier on killing mob by permission
- You can set chances for a random item!
- Edit every single message in the plugin!
- For everything else ask the author!
- Limit amount of items which player can buy (Per player/server)
Player Commands:
- /token shop //Open main shop
- /token shop [name] //Open specific token shop
- /token list //List of shops
- /token baltop //List of top 10 player balances
- /token balance //Check your balance
- /token balance [name] //Check balance for specific player
- /token pay [name] [amount] //Pay other players
- /token withdraw [amount] //Withdraw tokens
Admin Commands:
- /BeastTokenAdmin add [name] [amount]
- /BeastTokenAdmin remove [name] [amount]
- /BeastTokenAdmin set [name] [amount]
- /BeastTokenAdmin giveTokenNote [name] [amount]
- /BeastTokenAdmin reload
- BeastTokens.Admin.Adminhelp //Admin Help page permission
- BeastTokens.Admin.Reload //Reload command permission
- BeastTokens.Admin.Addtokens //Admin add tokens permission
- BeastTokens.Admin.Removetokens //Admin remove tokens permission
- BeastTokens.Admin.Settokens //Admin set tokens permission
- BeastTokens.Admin.TokenNote //Admin withdraw token note
- BeastTokens.Shop //Access to shop command
- BeastTokens.Shop.<Shopname> // Permission for specific shop supports * for all shops
- BeastTokens.Balance.Others //Allows player to check other people balance.
- BeastTokens.Balance //Allows player to check balance.
- BeastTokens.BalanceTop //Allow player to check top balance list.
- BeastTokens.Pay //Allows player to pay other player.
- BeastTokens.Withdraw //Allows player to withdraw tokens.
- BeastTokens.Sign.Create //Allows player to make token shop signs.
- BeastTokens.Sign.Use //Access for using signs.
Token Drops Permissions:
- BeastTokens.Drops.Mobs.Zombie //for specific mob
- BeastTokens.Drops.Mobs.* //for all mobs
- BeastTokens.Drops.MythicMobs.Zombie //for specific mob
- BeastTokens.Drops.MythicMobs.* //for all mobs
- BeastTokens.Drops.Mining.Iron_Ore //for specific block
- BeastTokens.Drops.Mining.* //for all blocks
- BeastTokens.Drops.Farming.Carrots //for specific block
- BeastTokens.Drops.Farming.* //for all blocks
Creating Sign:
First line: [BShop]
Second line: shop-name
PlaceHolder for:
PlaceholderAPI holder
%beasttokens_topindex% - Position of player in top balance
%beasttokens_topplayer_(1-10)% Example: %beasttokens_topplayer_1%
%beasttokens_topbal_(1-100)% Example: %beasttokens_topbal_1%
%beasttokens_topbal_raw_(1-100)% Example: %beasttokens_topbal_raw_1%
%beasttokens_topbal_formated_(1-100)% Example: %beasttokens_topbal_formated_1%
Terms of Services:
- You are not allowed redistribute or resell the plugin.
- After downloading resource we don't accept charge backs.
- You are not allowed to modify this plugin.
- You can only use it on your network!
Server which are using this plugin:
Code (Text):
## Configuration for BeastTokens by MrAxe
## Plugin use intended for MC 1.7 - 1.14
## Configuration options for BeastTokens
## MySQL, File, and TokenEnchant are supported database drivers.
## When you are changing drive restart server don t use /reload or /token reload
Drive: File
## Amount of tokens that a player starts with.
StartingAmount: 0
## Should mobs have a chance, defined by you, to give/drop ServerTokens to players that kill them
EnableTokenDrops: false
## Here you can enable and disable token drop message
TokenDropsMessage: true
##MySql Connection Information
Host: localhost
Database: DataName
User: UserName
Password: '1234'
##Default shop which will be open by /token shop
DefaultShop: "Example"
Data: 0
Glow: true
Name: "&4&lBeast&b&lTokens &7(Right-Click)"
- "&dValue:&r $%value%"
- "&dSigner:&r %player%"
Name: "&4&lBeast&b&lTokens &7(Right-Click)"
- "&dValue:&r $%value%"
- "&dSigner:&r Beast Tokener"
Title: "[&4&lB&b&lT&0]"
Buy: "&2BuyTokens"
AmountColor: "&9"
CostCurrency: "&"
OpenShop: "&2OpenShop"
Code (Text):
Prefix: "&7[&4&lBeastr&b&lTokens&7] &e"
MobTokenDrop: "You received &b<mobtokens> &etokens/s from &b<mob>&e!"
- "&6&m==============[&f &4&lBeastr&b&lTokens&e&lHelp &6&m]============="
- "&b/BeastTokens shop <name> &8: &7Spend your tokens"
- "&b/BeastTokens list &8: &7List of Shops!"
- "&b/BeastTokens baltop &8: &7Top 10 Players!"
- "&b/BeastTokens balance &8: &7Check your tokens balance!"
- "&b/BeastTokens balance <name> &8: &7Check another player's balance!"
- "&b/BeastTokens pay <name> <amnt> &8: &7Give another player tokens!"
- "&b/BeastTokens withdraw <amnt> &8: &7Withdraw your tokens to item!"
- "&b/BeastTokens help 1/2 &8: &7List thru help pages!"
- "&6&m================================================"
- "&6&m=============[&f &4&lBeastr&b&lTokens&e&lAdmin &6&m]============="
- "&b/BeastTokens add <name> <amnt> &8: &7Add tokens to a player's balance!"
- "&b/BeastTokens addall <name> <amnt> &8: &7Add tokens to all online players balance!"
- "&b/BeastTokens remove <name> <amnt> &8: &7Remove tokens from a player's balance!"
- "&b/BeastTokens set <name> <amnt> &8: &7Set a player's tokens balance!"
- "&b/BeastTokens createcard <name> <amnt> &8: &7Give tokens card to player!"
- "&b/BeastTokens reload &8: &7Reload the plugin!"
- "&6&m================================================"
Balance: "&eYou have &b<tokens> &etokens!"
BalanceSet: "&eYour balance has been set to &b<tokens> &etokens!"
NotOnline: "<player> &eis not currently online."
NotEnoughTokens: "&cYou do not have enough tokens!"
NoPermissionShop: "&cYou don`t have permission for that shop."
ShopNotExist: "§cShop does not exist / list"
ShopList: "ShopList: &e<shoplist>"
NoPermission: "&cYou do not have permission to use that!"
TokenReceived: "&eYou have received &b<receivedtokens> &etokens!"
TokenDeposit: "&eYou have deposit &b<tokens> &etokens!"
TokenCardReceived: "&eYou have received tokens card!"
NotInt: "&cArgument witch you have type it is not a number!"
Withdrawn: "&eYou have withdraw &b<tokens> &etokens!"
WithdrawAmount: "&cYou can withdraw less then 1 tokens!"
GivenAmount: "&eYou have gave &b<tokens> &etokens to &b<player>!"
ReceivedAmount: "&eYou have received &b<tokens> &etokens from &b<player>!"
SendAmount: "&cYou can send less then 1 tokens!"
LostTokens: "&cYou have lost <tokens> tokens!"
SignUse: "&cYou don t have permission to use this sign!"
SignBuy: "&eYou successfully bought <tokens> tokens for $<money>!"
SignBuyCanceled: "&cYou don't have enough money."
BlockDropToken: "&eYou have received %tokens% tokens!"
BalanceOther: "&b<player> &ehas &b<tokens> &etokens."
BalanceSet: "&eYou have set &b<player> &ebalance to &b<tokens> &etokens!"
RemovedTokens: "&eYou have removed &b<tokens> &efrom &b<player> &ebalance!"
CantRemovedTokens: "&cYou can t remove less then 1 tokens!"
DontHaveTokens: "&c<player> don t have so many tokens!"
TokenAdder: "&eYou have added &b<addedtokens> &etokens to &b<player> &ebalance!"
TokenAdderAll: "&eYou have added &b<addedtokens> &etokens to all online players &ebalance!"
TokenCard: "&b<player> &ehas received &b<tokens> &etokensCard!"
TokenCardCantCreate: "&cYou can not create card less than 1 tokens!"
AddLess: "&cYou can not add less than 1 tokens!"
NegativeAmount: "&cYou can not set negative amount of tokens!"
Reload: "&eSuccessfully reloaded the plugin!"
ConsoleCantUse: "&cConsole can use this command!"
HelpPage: "&cThat help page don t exist!"
CreateShop: "&cYou don t have permission to create a ShopSign!"
NoInteger: "&cString which you type is't a number(Tokens amount goes to 3rd line and price goes to 4th line)"
AfterPurchasing: "&eYou have spent &b<subtokens> &eyour balance is now &b<tokens> &etokens!"
InventoryFull: "&cYou inventory is full!"
CantAfford: "&cYou can t afford that Item!"
CanAffordLore: "&aYou can afford this Item."
CantAffordLore: "&cYou can t afford this Item"
ItemNoPermission: "&cYou don't have permission to buy this item!"
BalTop: "&6&m==============[&f &4&lBeastr&b&lTokens&e&lTop 10 &6&m]============="
BalPlayer: "&f<pcount>. &7<player>, <tokens>"
BalBottom: "&6&m================================================="
Code (Text):
## Configuration for BeastTokens by MrAxe
## Chance: 1 = guaranteed drop || Chance: -1 = disable mob from dropping ServerTokens.
## Chance: 4 = 1/4 or 25% chance || Chance: 100 = 1/100 or 1% chance, etc.
## NumTokens: Number of ServerTokens given to the player upon killing that mob.
Chance: 1
NumTokens: 1
Chance: 1
NumTokens: 1
Chance: 1
NumTokens: 1
Chance: 1
NumTokens: 1
Chance: 1
NumTokens: 1
Chance: 1
NumTokens: 1
Chance: 1
NumTokens: 1
Chance: 1
NumTokens: 1
Chance: 1
NumTokens: 1
Chance: 1
NumTokens: 1
Chance: 1
NumTokens: 1
Chance: 1
NumTokens: 1
Chance: 1
NumTokens: 1
Chance: 1
NumTokens: 1
Chance: 1
NumTokens: 1
Chance: 1
NumTokens: 1
Chance: 1
NumTokens: 1
Chance: 1
NumTokens: 1
Chance: 1
NumTokens: 1
Chance: 1
NumTokens: 1
Chance: 1
NumTokens: 1
Chance: 1
NumTokens: 1
Chance: 1
NumTokens: 1
Chance: 1
NumTokens: 1
Chance: 1
NumTokens: 1
Chance: 1
NumTokens: 1
Chance: 1
NumTokens: 1
Chance: 1
NumTokens: 1
Code (Text):
## Configuration for BeastTokens by MrAxeTv
## Proper Item names
## Older 1.8 https://helpch.at/docs/1.8/org/bukkit/Material.html
## Latest https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html
## Configuration of /token shop
## '1': - Slot number/space in /token shop. DO NOT have same number twice!
## Item: DIAMOND_SWORD - Item that is shown in the inventory slot, you can use number for item name.
## Data: 0 - Used for colored wool/glass/god apples (ex: 322:1). Normal items should have Data = 0.
## Amount: 1 - Amount of item that is shown in /token shop (ex: a stack of diamonds = 64).
## Price: 100 - Number of tokens needed to buy the item
## DisplayName: '&b&lSuper Sword' - Name for item shown. Use ' ' to have it be the normal in-game name (ex: Diamond Sword)
## Lore: '&cBest sword ever!' - Lore of the item shown. Use ' ' to have nothing.
## Glow: true or false - To make item glow.
## Commands: - Commands sent upon buying of an item. Can be multiple lines/commands, just follow format.
## - 'give %player% 276 1 name:&b&lSuper_Sword'
## rCommands: - Random Commands sent upon buying of an item. Can be multiple lines/commands, just follow format.