NoVPN | Block VPN & McLeaks/TheAltening

VIP Plugins NoVPN | Block VPN & McLeaks/TheAltening 2.0.0-beta-8

Pro Download
  1. 1.7
  2. 1.8
  3. 1.9
  4. 1.10
  5. 1.11
  6. 1.12
  7. 1.13
  8. 1.14
  9. 1.15
  10. 1.16
  11. 1.17
  12. 1.18
  13. 1.19
  14. 1.20
  15. 1.20.6
  16. 1.21


is a plugin that blocks players using VPNs or proxies. Based on a high-performance API.

  • Private API detection
  • Blacklist/Whitelist
  • Async plugin
  • Unlimited request
  • Bad account detection (McLeaks/TheAltening/EasyMC)
  • Antibot protection (beta)
  • Firewall system
  • Console filter
  • Discord webhook

  • /nvp check <player> shows information about a player.
  • /nvp verify <player> re-check a player with the api.
  • /nvp on/off enable/disable VPN check
  • /nvp reload reloads the config.
  • /nvp blacklist <add|remove|list> <player|ip> manage the blacklist.
  • /nvp whitelist <add|remove|list> <player|ip> manage the whitelist.

  • novpn.receive access to receive blocked users message.
  • novpn.reload adds access to the reload command.
  • novpn.check gains access to the check command.
  • novpn.verify access to the verify command.
  • novpn.vpblacklist access to the blacklist command.
  • novpn.vpwhitelist access to the whitelist command.
  • novpn.state change VPN check state
You can find a copy of the config file here:


The list of all supported countries
Spoiler: Country list

This plugin is compatible with Spigot/Bungeecord/Velocity. And for Bedrock Edition with Nukkit.
Only for Java 8+.

You can contribute to the bad account checker here.

If you want to use the anti-bad account make sure you use an online mode server. UUIDs on an offline server are not real! If you have any issues with the plugin, please report it to me via DM.

By downloading this plugin you agree with the content below:

1. You are not permitted to redistribute the plugin in any form, including as a part of any software package.
2. You are not permitted to decompile or modify the plugin in any form.
3. You agree to make an effort to get help (by besuper me) if you are having problems, before leaving a review.
4. No refunds are authorized in Paypal!
5. I reserve the right to change these terms at any time, and you agree to abide by the most recent version of this.
6. You have read the description



First release
Last update
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Latest updates

  1. Update 2.0.0-beta-8

    Fix error when discord webhook response is 204 Fix error when handshake expire
  2. Udpate 2.0.0-beta-7

    - Fix add/remove ASN in whitelist/blacklist - Fix colors not working on Velocity
  3. Re-upload

    Plugin was not updated on spigot

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