How to Optimize Your Minecraft Server with Aikar's Flags
Aikar's flags are a great way to optimize your Minecraft server's performance, and will allow you to squeeze out every last drop of performance from your CPU and RAM. In this article, we will discuss what Aikar's flags are, how they work, and how you can apply them to your server.How to apply Aikar's Flags
Applying Aikar's flags is as simple as updating your Minecraft server's startup script to use the following Java flags:[DOWNLOAD FILE]
You will need to make a few simple modifications to the flags before you are ready to start your server. First, you will need to change the amount of RAM allocated to your server in the first two flags. In the example, we are allocating 4096MB of memory, but you may want to allocate more or less. We don't recommend allocating less than 2GB (2048MB) of memory to your server. We have an entire guide on choosing the right amount of memory for your Minecraft server that you can read if you want more information.
The second flag that you will need to modify is at the very end, where you will need to specify your server's jar file. In this example, we named the jar file server.jar, but you will need to update this to your server's jar file name, or rename your server's jar file to match server.jar.
Once you have applied these flags, you can start your server. Some hosting companies may not allow you to use Aikar's flags on your server. Pufferfish Host provides servers with Aikar's flags enabled by default, so your server is always as optimized as possible.