Makes your ridecount values visible on a map.ThemePark or ParkPlusMC are required to make this plugin work!
What can you do with this plugin?
The plugin shows the current top xxx ridecount of the ride on an itemframe.
- /rv create <RideID> <UpdateFrequency> -> Create a ridecount frame for RideID (UpdateFrequency = NEVER, WEEKLY or DAILY). Look at an itemframe before you run this command.
- /rv update <RideID> -> Force-update a ridecount frame
- /rv remove <RIdeID> -> Remove a ridecount frame
- rv.admin -> Permission for the /rv command
Make sure you install MapReflectionAPI into your plugins folder! Both are required for this plugin to work.
Tutorials (NL/BE):
Ideas, tips, bugs etc.? Contact SBDeveloper on his Discord.